A few photos with happy moments from our history, and M-OSRP

Posted on July 08, 2020

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Awards and Recognitions

image1 image2 image3 image5 image6 image7 image8

Group photos

image9 image10 image11 image12 image13 image14 image15 image16 image17 image18 image31 image32 image36 image37 image40 image41 image42 image43 image44 image45 image46 image47 image48

Kuwait 2019


Washington DC December 2019


2019 SEG Maurice Ewing Medal to Bob Stolt

image21 image4

San Antonio


Galveston’s Beach

image23 image39 image24 image25 image26 image27 image28 Chris Weglein in Galveston, December 2019. jesse1 With Jesse image33 image34 image35 image38 image51

Weiglein’s home and activities

image29 image30 image49 image50 image52 IMG_1384_My_wife

To all: Please be well, take good care of yourself and be healthy, happy and safe. Warmest best wishes,
