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Welcome, Introduction, and Tutorial on Green’s theorem for source signature, deghosting, one-way migration, and RTM without PML - A. B. Weglein |
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Green’s theorem for source and receiver deghosting Part I: methods, analytic and numeric examples, and impact on ISS multiple-removal methods - Z. Wang |
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Green’s theorem for source and receiver deghosting Part II: Cagniard-de Hoop, SEAM, and field data tests - J. D. Mayhan |
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Tutorial for ISS multiple removal and imaging - A. B. Weglein |
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ISS internal multiple removal in presalt plays in deep-water offshore Brazil - A. Ferreira (P. Terenghi) |
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Modeling subresolution internal multiples as a step towards introducing effective primaries - H. Liang |
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ISS for attenuating internal multiples generated by effective and actual primaries: theory and well-log based tests - H. Liang |
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Incorporating source and receiver arrays in free-surface and internal-multiple algorithms: theory and examples that demonstrate impact - J. Yang |
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Modifying the leading order ISS attenuator of first-order internal multiples to accommodate primaries and internal multiples when three reflectors generate the data: fundamental concept and theory, development, and tests with analytic data - C. Ma |
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A general modification of the leading order ISS attenuator of first order internal multiples to accommodate primaries and internal multiples when an arbitrary number of reflectors generate the data: theory, development, and examples with analytic and synthetic data - H. Liang |
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From attenuation to elimination of first-order internal multiples: adjusting the algorithm to allow testing of 1D analytic data - W. Herrera |
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Multiple removal at a soft ocean bottom: data requirements and implications - M. Niazmand |
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A faster ISS internal multiple implementation using an imaging and dip filter concept - P. Terenghi |
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Applying and comparing Weiner filter, spectral division, and Green’s theorem approaches for wavelet estimation with synthetic and Kristin field data - L. Tang |
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Why is the ISS Kristin-field-data test a compelling case that direct depth imaging without the velocity is viable? - A. B. Weglein |
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Addressing issues of band-limited data in multiparameter ISS imaging - F. Liu |
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Contributions that provide (1) a single theory for inline wave and crossline asymptotic migration and (2) advances in the understanding and capability of ISS imaging algorithms for one-parameter and multi-parameter earth models (a preview of Z. Wang’s thesis) - Z. Wang |
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Finite-difference modeling, accuracy, and boundary conditions - D. Chang |
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Update on finite-difference elastic-modeling codes: finite-difference modeling that incorporates the source signature needed for ISS processing - F. Liu |
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Modeling the phase and amplitude of P waves in a heterogeneous elastic medium - A. B. Weglein |
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Summary - A. B. Weglein |
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